Service to Our Church

Church members serve in a variety of roles during worship services and other events, and volunteers are always welcome to join in serving our faith with grace. Here are some of the ways we serve.


An acolyte is an attendant who assists during worship services. Acolytes can be seen at St. Paul’s during processions and worship bearing an item like a cross, candle or book. They are part of an old and honored ministry of servants to the Church, assuring that those gathered will have what is needed for worship.

The most important qualifications for joining the Acolyte Ministry are enthusiasm and a willingness to serve and learn. Acolytes are welcome to serve at as many services that they would like, but they will be asked to sign up for a minimum of three a month to ensure coverage. Volunteers will be trained by other acolytes and church leaders throughout the year. We invite all from fourth to twelfth grade to join. Young people interested in learning more about assisting the Celebrant should contact us to learn more.

Contact: Whitney Hosty

Altar Guild

The primary task of the Altar Guild is to make the table ready for worship services and other special services at St. Paul’s. Volunteers care for and prepare the linens, vessels, vestments and flowers for every liturgy at St. Paul’s. They decorate the worship space for each church season, with special decorations for Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.

Altar Guild volunteers serve on some weekends and occasionally for special services like funerals and weddings. They often serve alongside another volunteer.

Contact: Beth Herbers

Coffee Hour

Coffee Hour immediately following the Sunday 10 a.m. service is a great time to meet each other and grow relationships. Snacks as well as coffee and other beverages are available. All parishioners are invited to include St. Paul’s coffee hour on their weekly shopping lists. Every week on their way to worship, they swing through the kitchen and drop off cookies, crackers & cheese, fruit, or other treats they would like to share. The Coffee Hour host sets up the space (see the ministry description here) and sees to it that the treats are put on platters and set-up in the Garden Room in time for fellowship following the service.

Click here to sign up and choose a date to host. Please also email the parish administrator that you have signed up, and provide the date you chose.


The Communications Team works with staff to help tell the good news of what God is doing in the world and at St. Paul’s. The group helps plan and carry out communications within the church and with visitors and newcomers. Recently, the team has helped update exterior signage and the church website, and it has performed most of the tasks in operating the audio-visual system for livestreaming worship services on YouTube. After a recent redesign of the church logo, we expect exciting projects ahead.

This group meets monthly at St. Paul’s when needed.

Contact: Jessica Kerrigan


The ushers at St. Paul’s are often the first to greet visitors to our church, and they provide many essential services to the parish, visitors and clergy. It is the ushers’ responsibility to ready the premises before services, greet attendees and hand out service bulletins, assist those needing help, answer questions, provide directions, count attendance, take up and deliver the collection, direct people from their pews for communion and tidy up after the service. Ushers also assist with special events, such as funeral services.

The Usher Ministry Team welcomes all who want to serve as welcoming and friendly representatives, on a regular or a limited “as needed” basis.

Contact: Richard Scarritt