Youth 9 and Up

At our church, children and teens aged 9 and above are encouraged to step into significant leadership roles, shaping the heart of our community. Through these roles, they not only cultivate Christian virtues but also find a deep sense of belonging in a community that cherishes, supports, and empowers them.

Come, be part of a community where youth are not just participants but valued leaders in our journey of faith and service.

Youth leader in Children's Worship

As a Youth Leader, you play a crucial role in guiding younger children through the liturgy. By modeling practices such as reading scripture, praying, and active listening, you not only positively influence the younger ones but also hone your own leadership skills.


The act of public scripture reading is pivotal in our worship. It offers individuals of all ages, including youth, a chance to actively contribute to the worship experience.

Junior Usher

Joining as a junior usher allows you to actively participate in the worship service while engaging in various tasks throughout. Under the guidance of experienced ushers, you'll assist in distributing bulletins, collecting offerings, presenting elements, and fulfilling other duties as assigned.


Acolytes are essential participants in our worship services, symbolizing the presence of Christ's light among us. As an acolyte, you'll assist in ceremonial tasks such as lighting candles and carrying the processional cross. This role offers you a meaningful opportunity to contribute to the reverence and beauty of our worship while connecting with ancient Christian traditions. Join us in illuminating our worship experience with the light of Christ.

Ongoing Events

Beyond these roles, we regularly organize events and activities for children and teens to serve and bond together outside of formal worship. Stay updated on these opportunities by subscribing to our family email newsletter using the button below!