Our Parish Staff

  • The Rev. Steven King



    (816) 931-2850 x114

    Fr. Steven grew up in Lawrence, KS, where he lived until 2010. He and his family found the Episcopal church there, and Steven was baptized (in his elementary school’s cafeteria!) at an Episcopal church plant meeting. Before seminary, Steven served in the Episcopal Service Corps in New Haven, CT, where he worked in a family homeless shelter and social service organization. He attended Virginia Theological Seminary in Alexandria, VA, graduating in 2014. Ordained a priest since January 2015, Steven began his ministry as the thirteenth rector of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and Day School in September 2021. Steven and his spouse, Ellen, have one son. He loves to cook and read, thinks he is an OK golfer and enjoys spending down time with his family and friends doing anything at all.

  • The Rev. Brittany Sparrow Savage

    Associate Rector and Chaplain


    (816) 931-2850 x184

    Brittany grew up in North Carolina as the youngest of triplets. She attended Trevecca Nazarene University in Nashville, where she majored in Religion and met her husband, Cameron. After graduating in 2015, they moved to Kansas City for Brittany to attend Nazarene Theological Seminary. During this time, they found a spiritual home in the Episcopal Church, joining St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church. Brittany was confirmed, completed her Anglican year at Bishop Kemper School of Ministry, and began her Episcopal ministry at Grace and Holy Trinity. She is thrilled to serve as Assistant to the Rector and Chaplain at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church. Brittany and Cameron enjoy urban hikes, time with their chosen family, and caring for their pet rabbits, Ms. Bun-Bun and Simba.

  • The Rev. Morgan Mercer ladd

    Associate Rector


    Mother Morgan comes to Kansas City via Texas and New York. She holds degrees in art history and theology as well as a Masters of Sacred Theology in Anglican Studies from the General Theological Seminary. She received her pastoral care training at NYU Langone and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and she was ordained a priest in the Diocese of Long Island in 2017. In addition to her priestly ministry, Mother Morgan is co-founder of the Center for Spiritual Imagination, a new monastic community dedicated to sharing the gifts of Christian contemplation in the modern world. She was seated as an Honorary Canon of the Cathedral of the Incarnation in 2024 in recognition of her work with the Center. Mother Morgan is delighted to join the staff of St. Paul’s as Associate Rector with a focus on spiritual formation for all ages. She loves pineapple on pizza, spending time with family and friends, and traveling to new places.

  • Sam Anderson

    Music Director


    Sam, the son of a preacher, grew up and has lived in many areas around the country, including California, Indiana, Kentucky and Nebraska, before landing in Kansas City, Missouri in 2007. He has been the choirmaster at St. Paul's since 2011 and the director of music since 2013. He is passionate in his vocations as a music educator and in the pursuit of finding beauty and spirituality through the performance of great music. He lives in Union Hill, Kansas City, with his beautiful wife and soprano, Sarah Tannehill Anderson.

  • Nicole Lux

    Parish Administrator


    (816) 931-2850 x113

    Nicole grew up in a suburb of Kansas City, found St. Paul’s just before her 28th birthday (don’t ask how many years ago that was…), and has been singing in the choir ever since. She was hired as the Parish Administrator in September of 2011. Nicole married Tony Lux in 2018 and is stepmom to Mallory and Wyatt. She feels fortunate to work among and around friends and “family” who put up with her love of dogs and musical theatre.

  • Kurt Knecht



    Kurt is interested in contemplative spirituality, Christian mysticism, and interfaith-dialogue. He began serving as organist at St. Paul's in the summer of 2016. His primary ministry involves providing organ music for the services by playing masterworks, improvising, accompanying the choir, and playing hymns. Kurt also works as a composer and for his company MusicSpoke, an online platform for composers.

  • JW Keckley

    Communications Director


    JW leads a double life as both a communications director and an opera singer. You’ll see him in the St. Paul’s Adult Choir and working on our social media. He is a passionate cyclist, leathercrafter, cook, baker, and composer. He is married to Sophia Hahn and lives in Waldo with his cat, Taako.

  • Janice Tarama



    (816) 931-2850 x112

    Janice is married to Wennekota and has one beautiful girl, Chloe. Janice is St. Paul’s part-time receptionist and is responsible for being a friendly voice on the other end of the line, as well as having a welcoming smile for visitors. Her hope is that people can see Jesus through her in her interactions with everyone who walks through the door or calls. Janice loves marine wildlife and would have loved to study marine biology but now enjoys watching her daughter grow and have her own dreams.

Vestry Members of St. Paul’s

  • Nancy Franklin

    Senior Warden

  • Sterling Roath

    Junior Warden

  • Bill Lacy


  • Whitney Hosty


  • Ellen Aisenbrey

  • Liz Barnes

  • David Collier

  • Alexandra Connors

  • Craig Hakkio

  • Jonathan Brouse

  • Jane Lampo

  • Donn Harrison

  • Luci Hoad

  • Sheri Wood

  • Bill Rudy

  • Evan Heronemus