Sunday Schedule
Adult Forum: 9 a.m. education and spiritual development in the Garden Room on the first floor. Each week’s session is self-contained, so don’t worry if you didn’t attend the previous week. If you’re late, no worries; please come in and join us.
Nursery care: starts at 9 a.m. for ages four and under in the nursery on the second floor; childcare ends at the conclusion of the 10 AM liturgy
Godly Play: 9 a.m. Sunday School for ages five and up on the third floor
Youth Formation: 9 a.m. time of fellowship, service, and spiritual exploration for youth from 6th-12th grades.
Worship: 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist in the nave/sanctuary on the second floor
Children’s Worship: 10 a.m. on the third floor, joining parents before communion
Coffee Hour: about 11 a.m., after worship service concludes, in the Garden Room on the first floor
South Sudanese Holy Eucharist: 12:45 p.m. in the nave/sanctuary; Dinka is the spoken language at this service